Web portal of libraries in the field of art and architecture

Union catalog of libraries of institutions in the field of art and architecture. The data of this union catalog contains the library databases of cooperating institutions. After searching in the union catalog, it is possible to simply switch to the local catalog and use all the services that the given institution provides

Here you will find books in the fields of art, architecture or audiovisual

Union catalog of libraries of institutions in the field of art and architecture. The data of this union catalog contains the library databases of cooperating institutions. After searching in the union catalog, it is possible to simply switch to the local catalog and use all the services that the given institution provides

Read freely accessible books from our digital library

Union catalog of libraries of institutions in the field of art and architecture. The data of this union catalog contains the library databases of cooperating institutions. After searching in the union catalog, it is possible to simply switch to the local catalog and use all the services that the given institution provides

Zdigitalizovane dokumenty Moravské galerie
Zdigitalizované dokumenty Národní galerie